About This Game Victory: The Age of Racing is a unique online racing game with spectacular car handling and user generated cars inspired by the different ages of racing. Victory offers a thrilling racing experience through multiplayer events, competitions and an addictive team career. Victory: The Age of Racing is now FREE! We’d like you to join the competition and prepare yourself for Racecraft the new Procedural Sandbox Racing Experience by Vae Victis Games.Racecraft is 25% off this week for the Steam Summer Sale, so GET ON BOARD NOW!*** WINDOWS 10 USERS *** please read this thread on our Technical Assistance forum if you get the error message “d3d9.dll is missing” trying to run Victory on Windows:http://steamcommunity.com/app/264120/discussions/3/451851477889583591/ (accessible only to Victory owners).You can be a ruthless driver by pushing your car beyond the limits, a talented designer by creating unique cars and a highly skilled technical director by improving your car settings tweaking it for maximum performances. Join the competition and race to win!An Internet connection is required to play Victory: The Age of Racing.Buy the Victory Deluxe Pack for exclusive contents!Victory Deluxe PackThe Deluxe Pack gives you a handful of Gears Credits and three exclusive cars you can use on ordinary tracks and all events. This pack includes: 3 exclusive Special Deluxe Racing Cars (super fast 60PI cars: 1 Legend car, 1 Classic car and 1 Formula car) 15000 Gears Credits (you can speed up your multiplayer career or create several racing cars from scratch)Victory is a fully featured multiplayer online racing game you can enjoy in multiple ways. In Victory: The Age of Racing, cars can be USER GENERATED: players have an unprecedented degree of freedom in choosing car blocks, parts, colors, decals and shapes for their own customized car. We also created the block system, where you can switch different parts of your racing car until you have reached your favorite design.You can control your car choosing between gamepad, keyboard and steering wheel. Keyboard controls with assisted steeringFull gamepad compatibility with force feedback supportFull steering wheel compatibility with force feedback supportMouse controls (move the mouse to steer, left/right click to throttle and brake)We've also worked hard to create the best keyboard controls available on the market for a racing game. An integrated artificial intelligence helps you steering, braking and throttling, with a simulation of analog controls even when you're using the keyboard.Victory is an arcade racer with realistic physics specifically tuned to give an unprecedented car handling and an addictive racing experience. We started with a top-notch car physics engine developed in collaboration with Stefano Casillo, the author of the acclaimed racing simulator, Assetto Corsa and then we added improved assisted driving systems, so you can experience the game as you wish, enabling or disabling driving aids whenever you like to.PvP competitions with multiple game modes and multiplayer live events for inactive players. Events, championships, daily races, different game modes. Everything is created in real time based on the status of connected players: a central server checks who is online and what he is doing, then creates live events which pop up on your main screen. In Victory you can be active and choose what you want to do or just wait for the game to propose you new ways to race online and have fun.Game ModesHotlap (single player mode)Hotlap Party (multiplayer hot lap mode, up to 100 players, usually lasts 1 hour)Hotlap Championship (multiplayer hot lap mode, can last for days, with online rankings in real time)Quick Race (multiplayer race)Handicap Race (multiplayer race, the winner gets an handicap for the following race)LAN mode supported: create a LAN Party and race with your friends!Race Zones & Tracks3 different racing zones around the world15 different racing tracksCar attributes and setups, different engines, tires, accessories and more: this is your personal customized car!Like in a role playing game, you have to spend Performance Points to reach the perfect combination for your driving style and racing conditions. You can have multiple cars in the game and customize them for different game modes or tracks!Choose from different teams and start your racing career. Each of the three car classes in the game has a dedicated World Championship where different racing teams are looking for the best driver: are you ready to put the pedal to the metal and wear the colors of your team on the track?Each team will offer you different racing cars and you will have to unlock multiplayer achievements to progress in the team career, unlock other new cars and reach the top of the rankings.Achievement system with rewards (money, widgets, driver titles) and over 300 different achievements to unlockFully integrated website with real time rankings and statistics of almost everything in game: check your rankings, different stats, every single car created in the game can be shared and voted!Integrated Social Bar with race chat, race log, "last played with" panel, public chat, race invites, integrated friend system, online status settings and more!7 different game cameras: choose your favorite one when playing 6d5b4406ea Title: Victory: The Age of RacingGenre: Free to Play, Indie, Racing, Simulation, SportsDeveloper:Vae Victis GamesPublisher:Vae Victis GamesRelease Date: 12 Feb, 2016 Victory: The Age Of Racing Download For Pc Highly Compressed I've had some pretty good fun with this game with a controller. Anything other than a controller is not really worth it... even a wheel. The wheel support just doesn't feel right but it is an arcade game so the controller is just fine and sometimes more "fun" this way anyways. Some confusing UI is about the worste part. Not much multiplayer and not many people playing but for a fun start to racing it's really not that bad. Not great though.. I can't really recommend this game. It is beautiful and the controls are nice, however there is nobody online. Maybe once it's out of early access I can change my review, but even if there were people online to play with, the game has other issues. Namely, no controller support in any of the menus. It's very obviosuly designed for PC, which doesn't have to be a bad thing, but in this case it is. I'm trying to play on my TV while sitting back in my recliner and the menus are difficult to read and navigate. The UI is overly complex for a racing game, in my opinion.. If I were to compare this to another series of titles I would say it reminds me of the Track Mania titles in a sense with more traditional style track layouts. As a wheel user I think Vae Victis has done a good job to create a Universal Generic Controller Profile setup that has good ffb recognizes my ClubSport Wheel and ClubSport pedals and maps with ease and recognizes my ClubSport Shifter as a secondary input device then allows for axis sensitivity adjustments. If your familar with what is considered an Arcade Racing game you know wheel support is hit or miss with most any title. The fact Vae Victis has it right for the most part goes a long way torward my overall outlook of the game and it's developer. Vae Victis is worth keeping around and their efforts deserve our support!. Before I begin, I just wanted to share a very important fact. This game was available for free through amazon. When I first found it on amazon, it was a free to play game. that's all well and good, but when I found it for $15 on steam, that got me kind of iffy on the whole thing. it basically told me that they're charging for something they were willing to give out for free. But, I can get past that.What this game does well is customization and gameplay. the controls are solid, the cars feel weighty and there's a fair bit of options available to customize your car right off the bat. all plusses in my book. So, The reason I don't recommend this is because there was no offline modes to be found. every single race was online. on top of that, there really aren't enough people playing to fill a race. personally, I had a hard time finding just one more person so I could actually race. That's because the race won't start if you're by yourself. the only time it does is if you're in hotlap mode. but the thing about that is this: you don't get credit for hotlaps. Nope. no rewards for that. none.All in all, Age of Racing is a story of high potential with all the resources already there. but the game was let down by always online gameplay that's even brought triple-A games to their knees. if they ever add offline, I'll recommend it. but as long as it stays online only, I can't bring myself to do it.. Facts: I'm a game moderator (voluntary user); I can be biased, but I know this game really well; also, remember that this is Early Access, so still a beta phase.Talking about the game: first of all, despite the tags, this is NOT a simulator; it's more like an arcade racing game with realistic features (don't expect to drift on every corner or have random racing lines); still, the model is really satisfying: the racing experience and setup know-how is rewarded, while beginners won't have many problems driving their first cars. With the inclusions of new events, career mode and other stuff there's plenty to do, and car customization is one of the best ever seen in a racing game, both on visual stuff like paint and development. Good races are real fun, and the tracks are inspired and good to drive in. The devs also are very active, and try to fix bugs in a quickly way (also are active in the forums, which is nice).Bad things: excluding random bugs (which I'm not experiencing at the moment, save for some really minor stuff) the worst part is the performance of the game in this phase. We know that graphic optimization and new shaders are coming very soon, but at the moment on many computers a race with full roster will make the fps drop. There's also the minor issue of a little population, but hopefully this will change in the next weeks (it's still early - early access), and the races and events still flow very nicely, so it's not really a problem.What will come next: full Steam integration, procedural race tracks, track editor and Steam Workshop support. Probably some of the best features to have in a game like this.For old users: the payment model has changed. This is now a buy-to-play; so you will need to buy the game if you want to play (it's not going free to play after the beta) but THERE ARE NO MORE MICROTRANSACTIONS in the game. Also, the reward were raised quite a lot, so buying new cars is much faster.Conclusions: in my opinion, if you like racing games, you are curious or look for a relaxed fun game go for it. There's plenty to do, the game has some good depth, the class are really different one from each other and at this low price it's worth the entry, also because new features will flow in and make the game even better. Still, if you like only Simulators, beware that this game is not one; don't expect an Assetto Corsa or rFactor or iRacing here, because it's not (and it does not pretend to be one).. Valve should really remove dead games.. The game is lame even for early access. The graphics is from early 2000, physics is from those times as well -- given that the game is posed as a semi-serious simulator! The car constructor limits you to 2-3 details of each kind -- and building a car is really expensive. You would need to hang out in the empty lobby for a long-long time until you can afford one. The scoring system is somewhat mysterious, rewarding "participation, not victory". Also, English translation is weird sometimes.On the positive side, the game does not crash, supports side controllers like steering wheels (although the settings menu is poor as a gradstudent -- no way to adjust sensitivity, deadzones, linearity or whatever) and has something like 15 tracks in 3 environments, which is the most abundant element of the game so far.In the end, the idea is worth the praise, but the implementation pretty much sucks. No noticeable improvements occured over the past three months. If you want to race somewhere similar, I would advise Trackmania Nations or F1 2013.. Game is pretty dead, player-side and development-side. Looks good, sounds good, just is not implemented well, and doesn't have the playerbase as a result. Would not recommend.. Ive seen alot of reviews stating that this game is "dead" because there is simply no one online to race against. While this is true MOST of the time, (just recently raced against 6 other racers in a major event) those leaning on this one flaw in the game are missing out on alot of what Victory has to offer. Victory: The Age of Racing is simply the best racing game I've played on Steam. Hands down. The blistering sense of speed is better than all but one of the many racing games I've experienced, F-Zero GX being the best in that category. The three classes of cars: Legend, Classic, and Formula, each have thier own handling characteristics and quirks, and each reqiring a different skillset to be brought to thier fullest racing potential. Combine that with probably some of the most fun and frustrating original tracks in a racing game (Mario Kart notwithstanding) and you have one hell of a racing experience. That, quite honestly, only gets better with the addition of rival racers. When they're on of course.Car customization is another thing Victory has down. The paint room is very Forza-esque in it's function, but one thing I like about it better than Forza is the fact your graphics don't get warped on curved sections of your car. The decals curve with your cars curves, which makes painting replicas pretty satisfying. Plus the fact you can MAKE YOUR CAR LOOK HOWEVER YOU WANT IT TO. You want a crazy front wing that looks like it wont even work aerodynamically? Slap it on there! You want a two story tall rear wing on that Classic car? Go for it! Dont want wings at all? Who da heck needs downforce!? The styles of car are endless, and it's very interesting to see all the custom cars drivers make. From F1 replicas to "How is that even working?"Also, well, going back to the point that there arent alot of people playing this game. The few who do, at least the ones that I know, are all really friendly. If you come in and see some one on, dont be afraid to ask questions. From what I know, the community in Victory recognize the lack in number of players and will help any newbie who needs help in anything. I will definitely answer any questions asked to me if im on. As you can see with my hours on record, I'm on quite a bit. So dont let the "Mixed" reviews on this game turn you off to it. Ive had so much fun with this game in the near 10 months I've owned it, even made a few really good friends. If you see video games as an investment and not as an opportunity to have some fun, I can't help you there. But if you're looking for a well made racing experience in a fantasy setting, look no further. Come on in, theres a car with your name on it waiting to be driven.No seriously, the cars have your name on them. It's pretty cool.-------------------------P.S. Forgot to mention. It's small, but probably one of the coolest features in this game is the fact that you are still in control of your car after you cross the finish line. Adds a level of immersion I haven't experienced in any racing game I've played before.
Victory: The Age Of Racing Download For Pc Highly Compressed
Updated: Mar 20, 2020