About This Game Take command over RAF during the WW2 history turning point, the Battle of Britain! The goal of the game is to defend Great Britain against German bombing raids. The game has two distinct gameplay experiences where: * The player manages war production and squadron placement * The player organizes patrol routes and tactics Once combat is initiated the player can lead their squadrons to attack waves of German bombers utilizing simple touch or mouse commands. The game follows the historical timeline very closely, but at the same time - the game mechanics are easy to learn (yet hard to master) and it provides great entertainment for both seasoned and novice players. * There are 8 aircraft types in the game - including of course the famous Supermarine Spitfire! * Every pilot is earning his own experience - witness your rookies become aces! * Manage the British war machine - decide what should be built and where * Fight epic air battles! * Lead English, Polish, Czechs, Canadian and New Zealands squadrons to fight for freedom! The game implements ‘German Command AI” which results in each campaign playing out differently. No two games will ever be the same. 7aa9394dea Title: The FewGenre: StrategyDeveloper:BlackMoon DesignPublisher:BlackMoon Design Release Date: 18 Jun, 2014 The Few Ativador Download [portable] I personally enjoyed The Few quite a lot, despite a few shortcomings the game has.Most complaints people have about the game is that its scope is somewhat limited: you command the RAF during the Battle of Britain and that means your main aim is to coordinate air defence. A lot of people would love to play as the Luftwaffe or to add later war RAF air raids against France and Germany, but quite frankly that doesn't take away from the game itself - it's more of a 'we would like this to continue!'.Another thing often heard is its lack of realism in many regards and that's obviously true. The optics are fairly clear but all done in a cartoon style, which I personally found charming, but that's down to taste. Also the mechanics aren't overly realistic - obviously the top-down 2D playing field imposes certain limits here, but on the other side also makes sure the game stays accessible and easy to enjoy for everyone.The AI in the game is a bit of a mixed bag, really. Of course it does have certain limitations eventually and once you play a longer campaign those become very apparent, like there are some tricks for which the Luftwaffe pilots always seem to fall, but quite frankly the same (and sometimes worse) holds true for many AAA titles. On the other hand I very much liked how the different levels of experience showed in the pilot AI: while rookies go straight for their targets, the more experienced flyers will engage in more advanced maneouvres on their own initiative, making use of blind spots and plane advantages.Another thing actually done well and worth mentioning is the voice acting, which comes in different languages depending on squadron (the Polish developers obviously made a point of not forgetting that plenty of foreign squadrons took part in the battle - I didn't find that annoying at all, but some early-version reviews claimed that to be overdone) and, while eventually limited, does a good job of being informative, immersive and still not breaking the cartoony feel of the game.So, in conclusion this is not a simulation, it's a strategy game more on the casual side. It's not perfect by all means, but it does a lot of things right and as none of the popular complaints really get in the way of enjoying the game, I don't see any reason not to recommend it to almost anybody.. This game is so close to being good, but it falls short in a few ways that by themselves aren't a big deal, but together create a poor experience. Pros - A unique experience in PC gaming (for the most part).Interesting management aspectsCons -Poor and unresponsive UI and controls.There were 71 squadrons in the Battle of Britain. Of those, 2 were Polish. Yet in the 3 times I played the campaign, all my squadrons were polish, with polish names and voices. This is INCREDIBLY unimmersive. Oh and weird, the developers are Polish. I'm all for remembering their sacrifice and effort in the battle of britain, but not at the expense of the British.The game is not well explained to you. There's a short annoying tutorial, then some hints.The actual tactics of the game aren't that interesting, and can tend to be a little micromanagey. Overly so. The best tactics are all cheesey and gamey.It's repetitive. Fighting the same kind of enemies over and over.The sounds...mostly okay except the voices. There doesn't seem to be a way to turn them down in battle, so it's just listening to bad polish voice acting.I wanted to like this game, but ultimately I didn't. For a better Battle of Britain experience try the board game - RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940.. Rather repetitive. Once you grasp the basics, you find that there's nothing beyond 'basics' at all, but ton of micromanaging the same dogfights.Lack of depth and gameplay development makes various UI bugs, random peaks in difficulty and localization problems fade in comparison.Would be pretty nice for early access alpha build though.. Ignore all positive reviews for this game. The devs have clearly given up with no patches coming out for 3 whole years. The game resembles a WW2 strategy\/management game, but has more in common with a tower defense game. Firstly, you get a factory to build either: A) Spitfires and Hurricanes, B) Airfields, C) RADAR, D) Other Factories, and E) AA Guns. Thats it. You place the building wherever you want, intercept German bombers with the fighters, get taxes from cities that haven't been bombed by the Germans to supply the factory(ies) to build more resources in a game that becomes bland and unfun in LESS THAN 2 HOURS. The combat is just awful. In real life, the Brits employed a tactic called 'The Big Wing' where a massive amount of British planes flew together to compensate for the overwealming German numbers. In this game, you get a max of 8 planes who can face up to 20 German bombers AND fighters. Bombers have this weird attack, going head-on with your fighters, which cripple your own, but the bomber comes out just fine, with it's one machine gun destroying your plane while your eight seem to have no effect. A dogfight in this game is just 2 fighters flying in a circle trying to shoot each-other. Thats it. Often, your pilots get shot down, and you need to babysit the 'Bail Out' button, because you have less than a second to bail one or more of your pilots out, or else they die. They simply cannot bail out themselves, for reasons unknown, so you need to stare intently on the list of pilots you have, waiting for that red button to appear. The game has no sense of actual skill involved, so you start using your precious planes like how the Russians did because that seems to be the only tactic to work, rushing them. Theres only one good thing to come out of the game, and it isnt even a part of the gameplay itself, its the awesome, rare background for your steam profile, which I use alot and will continue to do so because the artstyle rocks. But in conclusion, this game sucks, horrendously. It isn't even worth 3 bucks to be honest, and I can't understand why people preach of how good this game is. It's on the bottom of the steam store for a reason, and it should stay that way.DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I always welcome new strategy games based on the Battle of Britain or WW2 air combat in general. Unfortunately The Few is disappointing in the end. I found myself craving more of a simulation than a casual game. I really disliked the air to air combat portions of the game. It's real time, and without heavy micro-management of your aircraft, you'll often send your pilots in to be slaughtered mercilessly by the Luftwaffe's BF-109s. Rookie pilots seem to vary in skill between Top Gun and Full Retard. I've watched several times as pilots will fly around in circles chasing a 109, spraying bullets at empty sky until their guns go dry or you break the endless loop. You are also limited to only 8 aircraft of your own per air battle. No Big Wings with multiple squadrons intercepting the German mass raids. So good luck to you when the Luftwaffe sends 16+ twin engine bombers and 8+ fighters. The map screen is where the most interest for me is at. I like the aspect of building and placing airfields, radar, AA guns etc. However you only get to start with one factory, 1-2 airfields, and ZERO radar stations and AA guns. I would have liked to have seen a little more inventory at the start of the game. Playing a game about the Battle of Britain, where the RAF starts with no radar is a little silly. One annoyance of the game is that squadrons won't land at an airfield if it is "full". So let's say you have two squadrons based at 2 airfields. One squadron was in combat and lost a few planes, with a pilot or two bailing out safely. The remaining aircraft return to base. At the same time your second squadron is also airborne, and the pilots who bailed out from the OTHER squadron start returning to your SECOND squadron's airfield. Now when squadron 2 returns to land, they CAN'T, because squadron 1's bailed out pilots have gone to squadron 2's base, and it is now too full to land at. That means you lose ALL of squadron 2's planes and pilots because they run out of fuel and crash. It is flip the table frustrating.Overall I was disappointed with The Few. A few little fixes or changes could improve the game, but not enough for me personally to want to spend more time with it.. I love the idea and the game, however its extremely hard to play later on in the game.I hope and await for "The Few 2", to fix all this problem for me.Currently this feels more like a Cannon Fodder gameplay.
The Few Ativador Download [portable]
Updated: Mar 20, 2020